Detached Commercial Public House with |5 Beds | 3 Baths
Restaurant / Bar / Hotel For Sale - 2,500 sq. feet (232 sq. metres)Public house with 5 Beds - 3 Baths upstairs. €200,000 - For Sale By Private Treaty Detached House, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathroom Maher Auctioneers are delighted to present this detached property to the market.
This property is currently a country public house - this property can be sold as commercial or residential. The property is in a wonderful location. There are 3 bedrooms on the first floor and two on the top floor. There is a large kitchen and living room also on the first floor. On the ground floor it is currently set out with one bar and three separate bar areas, one function room which can be a private function area. There are two sets of both male and female toilets. Can be sold with or without Bar license. This property is on a large site in a very scenic rural area.
Cashel - 15km, Thurles - 25km, Tipperary Town - 15km, Limerick - 35km |